You can rank new pages with SEO and content

Today, due to the way backlinks are evaluated based on different industry-related ranking factors, it is less quantity focused and more about the quality of sites from which the links are coming. While doing a backlink audit, analyzing toxic backlinks and removing them can be a lengthy and tedious process …

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Set up Daily Email Alerts to help galvanise your SEO

Many website owners neglect to spend the time analyzing how their page structure actually looks and works for the visitor. A good trick is to dig into your Google Analytics to see the top visited pages on your site. There are a number of methodologies ranging from complex formulas including …

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Follow SEO best-practices

Link building is also spreading brand awareness and capturing referral traffic. Using SEO best practices should be a part of your foundation when it comes to creating content, not only on your website, but with your social media posts as well. Google is constantly evolving to better understand the context …

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It’s a win-win SEO strategy!

A big part of Search Engine Optimization is optimizing your website to make it easier for visitors to navigate and use. Backlinks from relevant sites in your niche are also worth significantly more than irrelevant sites or pages The most important user signals are the bounce rate and the click-through …

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Be authentic

Use your website to communicate your value proposition and your general marketing messages (known as “high-level messages”). If there is one page which should be optimized for generic keywords, it is your homepage. When you've selected your focus keyword, ensure it is found in your title tag, h1 tag, meta …

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Add valuable insight to your repurposed content

The days of buying, selling, and trading links for rankings is long gone…and if you try to bring it back, you will be long gone as well. SEO results are only keenly felt long-term, and therefore it can be difficult for small business owners to see the value in …

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Entirely too genius SEO

It’s the number one thing you’ll be working on when you’re trying to improve mobile SEO: performance. In this case, performance almost entirely boils down to site speed. It’s a given: the faster your site is, the happier your users will be. Remember, great quality and …

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Monitor the evolution of your search results

In the search marketing field, the pages the engines return to fulfill a query are referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). The freelance world might disagree with me but frankly I do not think there is not an SEO in the world who can lay claim to having …

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If you don’t have backlinks, you’re not going to rank

Good content is important, but it also needs to rank high on SERPs if you want to reach a wider audience with it. While you can’t always control who links to you, successful SEO often includes promotion and outreach. This includes reaching out to other sites, influencers, and bloggers …

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Offer a post-specific resource

When searching on mobile, there is a huge difference with desktop: Google knows exactly where you are and the results you get are customized according to your physical location. The secret to building a blog that gets crazy backlinks, ranks for awesome keywords and makes you money on autopilot? Outliers …

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Incorrect Language Declaration

If your website or webpage suddenly or gradually changes focus over time (say from a carpentry guide to a best practice SEO guide – sounds unlikely, but you never know), then anchor text pointing to you will likely change in line with the different topic. Google may then decide that your …

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Picking Profitable Local SEO Lead Generation Niches

Browser caching is about how a browser remembers / stores your website for faster visiting the next time you come to that website. Many people still think that having a high volume of crawlable and indexable pages is always better. The internet today is overwhelmed with tons of DIY SEO tips …

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Wait. Is it really that simple?

Keywords should be relevant. This means your site should be a satisfactory destination for users. The main heading of your page tells visitors, including search engines, what the page is about. Heading tags let us mark up what is a heading or sub-heading on the page, and we can use …

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The first choice should be search marketing

SEO is important for every website that wants to attract traffic. SEO for non-profits, in that regard, isn’t that different from SEO for other businesses. Things can always be improved, they can be represented better, the story told could be more engaging, inviting to your audience. It is this …

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Should I be buying backlinks to help improve my rankings?

Use keywords relevant to your products and services that your customers are searching for, especially in your Title Tags and internal links. The natural growth of a Website’s backlink profile is a strong indication of the true competitive quality of the site’s content. Most Websites never earn very …

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