Make user generated content a priority

Keyword Research and Implementation is important for making any piece of copy shine, especially in the eyes of search engines. Social media, though not necessarily a ranking factor, can be extremely important to your organic campaign. If your document appears in a search results page, the contents of the title …

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Wait. Is scraping really that simple?

Most SEO firms retain a staff of writers who are skilled at providing quality content which is also optimized for relevant keywords. Imagine all the Web traffic you’re missing if you aren’t optimizing your site to attract visitors. Old SEO practices meant a huge emphasis on keywords. Whether …

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Let's follow doorway sites best practise

There’s no need to spend more time on the optimisation if your content is not appealing enough for your audience. Google has several bots: Googlebot (desktop), Googlebot (mobile), Googlebot Video, Googlebot Images, Googlebot News. For most websites, the Googlebots for desktop and mobile are the most important bots. To …

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Use your location in metatags

Creating an SEO strategy can give your company and brand a boost in the search engines. Why not improve your ROI today? Voice search is picking up steam. You can now use your voice to search the web, play music, navigate home, order sushi or get the latest football results …

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Use your location in your body text

Web pages must contain a minimum number of words, feature targeted keywords and highlight local modifiers to ensure they appear prominently in relevant, organic search results. A strong linking structure and other internal SEO best practices can provide that. Google learned that when people search for the term “SEO,” they …

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Be consistent and follow a well-documented plan

URLs with words that are relevant to your site's content and structure are friendlier for visitors navigating your site. Visitors remember them better and might be more willing to link to them. Let’s not forget the speed of your site, not just because we all browse the web a …

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Replicate the same process with other websites

The SEO benefits of social media, in my opinion, should be seen as the by-product of a strong social media strategy, not the core objective. In turn, SEO’s need to understand the wider role social media plays in connecting with an audience at each stage of the buying journey …

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Basic on-page SEO factors to look for

Search engines display page titles in their search results. In addition, search engines use page titles in order to recognize what information the website contains. Forget dense blocks of text with no images. Instead, create content with lots of headers, that’s well spaced out and that uses large beautiful …

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Utilize testimonials from customers

Google has access to all this incredible data about where people go on the Internet through Chrome and through Android. t will take anywhere from 1 month to 3 months to start seeing some shift, and likely 6-8 months to start seeing significant ROI from Search Engine Optimization work. That …

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Don’t give up too soon

Sometimes you just can’t target a specific keyword on a product or service page of your website – it just won’t fit and look natural. In these instances you can always take advantage of having a blog. Do a quick Google search for that keyword and check what other …

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Study your competitors’ linking profile

Whatever shows up in the search results box has been searched for before meaning these long tail keywords could be very valuable. But remember these just give you a starting point to work off, people have Googled some quirky things so don’t think just because something shows up that …

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Review your web hosting experience

SEO is not about one-time actions. It is a continuous optimization process. One crucial basis for optimization is valid data about user behavior. Regular monitoring is one of the key tasks of search engine optimization that makes it possible to quickly react to traffic decline or other occurrences. It’s …

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Add valuable insight to the content you create

Only Google engineers know the secret google recipe! Google answers your search queries by checking them against it's enormous index of web content. Google continuously searches the internet using googlebots that scout for new web content to add to the index. Choosing a perfect focus keyword is not an exact …

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Make it More Visual

There are ways to do a bulk search on a list of URLs to check if any of the pages contain a link to yours, but if you're checking this on a daily basis, it's probably just as fast to do a quick manual check. Analyze search engine rankings and …

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Think about Long Tail Keywords

Websites that are popular and have a lot of links shared on social media tend to perform well on the search engines. These sharing signals are picked up by the search engines which look at the links being shared to help assess the popularity of a webpage and whether it …

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High ROI

To “optimize” for a mobile-first index, make sure that what you serve to mobile users is the version of the content you’d want Google to index, not a pared down version, or a version that gets updated later than desktop, or version that redirects to the mobile homepage. On-page …

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Create deep internal links through pages and blog posts

Company blogs have been proven again and again to do wonders for businesses. Among other things, having a company blog will improve your SEO and allows you to become seen as an expert in your field. When it comes to out-competing competitor pages, you are going to have to look …

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How to get Google authorship

On-page content is a critical component of on-page SEO. Content is what the search engine crawlers need to associate your page with a set of keywords and/or key phrases. Without it, crawlers are left in the dark as to what your page is about. Not every link is created …

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Stop changing your domain name

Your keyword list should be a living document that you check and update at least once a month. Doing this will ensure that you are always doing keyword research and you will keep an eye on the keywords that are already ranking. Build your site with a logical link structure …

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