People don’t read on the web; they scan. To make scanning easier, use plenty of clear and informative sub-headers to guide readers down a page. Google has stated that meta descriptions are NOT a ranking signal. But, the quality of the description will influence click-through rate, so it is very important to use this element wisely… Do you review and analyze your competitor’s website? You should. I do. I always keep an eye on the business across the street, or in my case, across the internet. Write great title tags. Good title tags should be like an interesting newspaper headline but with relevant keywords included.

The Truth: SEO and content marketing overlap. A lot.

Links aren’t just for navigation; they are also a tool for guiding potential customers through the marketing funnel. Never start writing an article without performing a keyword research. The best tool to use is the free Google Keyword Tool. A sitemap is a file that tells exactly how crawlers should crawl your website. For example, if there is a page that does not get linked to your website but you still want the crawler to crawl it then you would simply include it in your sitemap file to tell the crawlers that there is something important there. Rather than targeting a broad audience, local SEO is about chiseling down and honing in your reach to target a specific group of people living in a certain area. It’s all about making the most of the existing relationships, communities, and consumer ties.

The key is to find the keywords in our niches which have low competition

Arguably, one of the most crucial aspects of on-page SEO is tags. Whether it’s title tags, header tags, meta tags or blog post tags, they have been demonstrated to increase traffic and boost engagement. There was a time when “keyword density” meant something for SEO content. Anchor text of external links affects ranking. Links with SEO focused anchor text needs to be relevant to the target page. There’s no need to obsess over SEO throughout the whole content creation process, but getting into the SEO mindset can offer useful insights into how to make your content more effective from now on.

Google is looking at more than keyword usage

Though search engine rankings keep on changing from time to time (it’s normal), make sure that you have built your site in the right way and regularly posting quality content to drive a steady stream of traffic to your pages. Understanding the current health of your website from an SEO perspective is crucial to the beginning of every SEO campaign. One good way to know what’s coming in the world of SEO is to keep your eyes peeled to industry news sites and specifically Google’s own blog. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "All the content you produce should be tailored to your target customer / audience. If you submit posts with very little content and a load of popular search terms, you’re likely to be found out."

The best way to escape Google’s Pelican penalty

There are literally hundreds of factors that contribute to your final rankings. On top of that, it can be hard to determine what kinds of trends Google may associate with your chosen keywords. If you have a blog, you can submit it to various blog directories. Like all other directories, some pass value, while others are crap. Keyword research can be time-consuming, but rewarding when done properly. The authority of the website or webpage linking to your site is also key. A few high authority links are far more valuable then many from low quality sites.