The biggest SEO mistake you can make during a website redesign is to not think about SEO until it’s too late. If you don’t have SEO in mind from the initial strategy session, you’re going to lose what you took so much time and effort to build. It will be hard to redirect your resources to mobile if your company has been completely entrenched in optimizing its desktop SEO. Like other internet marketing strategies, success won’t happen overnight. It takes persistent and consistent work over the long-term to see substantial results. If you’re an existing business, you can learn a lot from your current customer base. If you have a shop you probably have a good idea of your target audience because you and your customer service team will be meeting and talking to them everyday. Otherwise, you could learn more about your customers by asking them to fill out a survey. With your website already cleaned up and shining with outstanding quality content and internal SEO methods (keywords, meta tags, etc), you should have a strategy to get your website noticed by others.

Business Factors That Affect the SEO Plan

Ever wonder how to pick the perfect keyword topic for your blog or website, or find one that will have the most value? Most SEO strategists and content creators focus on, at best, two of the eight dimensions they should analyze when creating a keyword strategy for a website. Much like other SEO strategies, keyword research has evolved to a level that goes well beyond “how many people are searching for a topic.” It now includes many more variables that help define how much value a topic will bring to a website. In the modern search landscape, a multitude of disciplines feed into organic success. Everything from Social and UX, to PR and Content plays a part in a fully realized organic search strategy. Change is the only constant you can count on in search engine optimization. Although we often say that the fundamental principles of search engine optimization don’t change, pretty much everything else does. If you want to be really, really good at this, you cannot be inflexible. You cannot afford the luxury of becoming emotionally bonded to any particular idea. While building a better search engine optimization strategy, having a description tag that is efficient is a good way to bring searchers to your website. The content in this area shouldn’t exceed 30 words. Never exceed 100 kilobytes on this sort of page.

Understanding Your Audience and Finding Your Niche

As recommendations from peers become more prominent online, the influence they levy will weigh more heavily into activity on search and social sites combined. For this reason, it’s wise to start thinking of your company or organization’s fans as extensions of your inbound marketing team. The Google search results page is a beautiful menagerie of links and blurbs and information and value, and any advantage your content can get in order to rank higher is worth pursuing. Google authorship is a clear advantage. With authorship, you receive a boost in visibility, clickthroughs, and influence, and you get ownership over what you create. Trends adjusts search data to make comparisons between terms easier. Each data point is divided by the total searches of the geography and time range it represents, to compare relative popularity. The closer to the start of the title tag any given keyword is, the more likely it will be to rank for that keyword based query.

Be adaptable and recognise that times change and SEO trends evolve

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in bringing in more traffic to every site. Most marketers focusing on SEO break down SEO into onpage efforts and off-page efforts. And when focusing on off-page efforts, a common SEO mistake marketers make is believing that their site will receive more SEO traffic if only they can find enough websites to build links on. ou know SEO is a vital element of every decent marketing strategy, something you can’t do without. But you don’t know where to start to implement best practice and optimise your web presence so search engines can do a proper job of ranking and rating it. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "The degree to which search engines rely on evaluating link neighborhoods is not clear, and links from nonrelevant pages are still believed to help the rankings of the target pages."

Probably the most important thing is ...

One of the problems international businesses continuously need to address is identifying themselves as “local” in the eyes of the search engines. While there plenty of differences between SEO and content marketing, there are also many areas where they overlap. Taking advantage of this overlap and using it in your website is the quickest way to get more people to visit your site. The overall goal is to increase the level of traffic to a website by using keywords and keyword topics to improve the user experience and meet search engine guidelines. There is no exact word count when we talk about the “long content.” There are studies showing 2,000+ word articles dominating the SERPs’ top for many competitive keywords.