If it’s been just a day or two since you made your website and are not appearing on the SERPs, then you might consider submitting your URL to Google (If you haven’t already done). If you still don’t appear on the SERPs, relax! Google takes some time to crawl and index your website. Editorial links can be some of the most powerful for SEO because they come from other publications in your niche mentioning your company. They can also come from thought leadership guest posts that you write and get published on third-party sites. How do you work out the price of SEO packages? Though search engine rankings keep on changing from time to time (it’s normal), make sure that you have built your site in the right way and regularly posting quality content to drive a steady stream of traffic to your pages.

Advanced on-page SEO principles

As we know that Google optimizes its results for user intent, hence, this is a way to know what content the searchers are looking for when they make a search for a keyword. Make a note of the things that you can implement in your content. If a search engine makes a page request that isn’t served within the bot’s time limit (or that produces a server timeout response), your pages may not make it into the index at all, and will almost certainly rank very poorly (as no indexable text content has been found). Google recognizes that a site might have two versions on the same page (web version and printer friendly version), and this duplicate content is actually meant to make for a better user-experience, and not trick the search engines. Search drives an incredible amount of both online and offline economic activity.

Site Architecture for Newbies

Your bounce rate is determined by the amount of people that click on the link to your website in the search engine result pages (SERPs) and consequently click back again to Google. A high bounce rate indicates that people did not find what they were looking for on your website. The page title and URL are two of only a small number of elements that are present for a user to view within the search engine results page. It’s fair to say that they have a huge impact on click-through rate from the SERPs. Many SEO experts agree that a website's inbound links will be crucial this year, with many contending that there importance will increase as search engine algorithms increase their attention on penalizing poor links. You need a clear strategy on your most profitable keywords. You also need to determine whether you need a strong focus on your local market or if you should be targeting keywords nationally.

Invest in longer posts

Search Engine Optimization requires the inclusion of popular (highly searched) or profitable (highly searched just before buying) words into headlines, copy, and other page elements. To truly understand whether your SEO campaign is working, you need to learn which measurements deserve your attention. Well-written content is also far more likely to generate backlinks - links from other websites directing people to yours. This will boost your sites ranking in search engines, ensuring that the content people are being directed to is of a high standard. Gaz Hall, from SEO Hull, had the following to say: "It used to be that buying backlinks as you could was a successful means of boosting your organic search results. But today, it’s definitely not good to buy them in big packages. Google has declared that if you buy bulk backlinks to improve your rankings, you're breaching their guidelines."

It’s time to revolutionize our approach to anchor text

In the coming times, content from social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will gain more importance on the SERPs Write great title tags. Good title tags should be like an interesting newspaper headline but with relevant keywords included. Links don't matter that much for ranking in the Featured Snippet when you already rank on page one of Google. An effective link building strategy that simply makes a lot of sense is fixing broken links on your site and on sites that you’d like a link from. Your first step is to look for broken links on pages that interest you. After finding the links that go to pages that no longer exist, you reach out to the website owner and point out the link and suggest a new page that could provide value to their audience.