If you have several versions of your site in different languages, add visual cues linking to your multilingual content in or near your top navigation. For example, you can use flag icons to link to each country or language’s site. Apple even has a page that lists all the countries for which they provide a website version. Paid links are like paying someone to be your wingman to impress a girl rather than having a genuine friend by your side who can vouch for how great you really are! Analysis of meta sets/keywords, visible text and code to deter­mine how well you're positioned for search engines. In the past, Google has stated that the country within which a website is hosted is a very small factor in their international ranking algorithms. So try to have servers set up in your target countries. For example, if your company is based in the UK and you have a .fr extension of your site, have the .fr domain extension site hosted on a server in France.

Add Modifiers to Title

Standard results, however, are certainly not all that the search engines have to offer. For many types of queries, search engines show vertical results, or instant answers, and include more than just links to other sites to help answer a user’s questions There are plenty of business owners whose websites haven’t been updated in years who are being left behind by major shifts in digital marketing. You don’t want to be one of those people. In the long run, not changing with the times hurts your business. Doing a yearly review of the big changes in SEO and implementing them on your site is a good way to avoid spending resources on insignificant changes while still maintaining a high-quality website for the long term. There’s no getting around it. Keyword research is a vitally important aspect of your search engine optimization campaign.

It’s time to revolutionize our approach to organic SEO

Although bounce rate is hard to measure you should definitely monitor the trend of your bounce rate and the differences in bounce rate between your pages. If a specific page has a very high bounce rate, you should try to figure out what’s the cause. You could add links to other useful pages or call to actions to keep people on your site. A page’s speed is crucial, so don’t forget testing it from time to time. From heavy images to unnecessary scripts, there is always a reason that your site gets slow.. By limiting your SEO efforts to Google, you might be missing out on some great opportunities for small business growth. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) • is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in a search engine’s “natural” or “organic” (not paid for) search results.

Leave comments on relevant websites and blogs

Your bounce rate is determined by the amount of people that click on the link to your website in the search engine result pages (SERPs) and consequently click back again to Google. A high bounce rate indicates that people did not find what they were looking for on your website. SEO practitioners, before deploying any given tactic, will ask first, “Will this increase my rank in the SERPs?” And if the answer appears to be yes, then the tactic is executed. The ability to measure the success of your SEO efforts is crucial. Tracking and managing your website’s data can be done through Google Analytics and Google Search Console. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "Measuring the number of search engines that have indexed your site is an easy way to check the website growth resulting from your SEO efforts. The more pages indexed, the easier it is to get a ranking for more keywords. "

Optimise your 404 error page

Give the search engines some time to do their thing (a couple days, or even weeks) and then keep checking your rank to see what happened and track your progress. Link building is also spreading brand awareness and capturing referral traffic. “Dwell time” is the amount of time visitors spend on your website and it can affect SEO ranking. When you provide useful content, visitors tend to stay longer on your website to consume the information and therefore increase the dwell time. Sitelinks have the benefit of distributing organic search traffic that would normally be concentrated on your homepage across other areas of your site.