Learn which industry ranking factors are important to your business and how to improve your online rankings. The age of backlinks matter. Links that have existed for a long time weigh more heavily in your website’s link graph. Be wary of promises to get you links from dozens or hundreds of websites. Many such links are considered “bad neighborhood” links by the search engines and you can get penalized for associating with them. Although it’s pretty slow-going, it’s best to hand-select relevant and quality websites and approach them one-by-one. One of the most time-consuming parts about link-building is actually finding places that will give you links.

Behind the SEV curtain

Duplicate content isn’t necessarily a bad or wrong thing, apart from in the above example where it’s just straight up theft. Local SEO refers to making a company's website more visible on maps and in local-oriented searches, often for people seeking a brick and mortar store or a services based business that serves their area. Competitor Analysis can help you to identify links, ads and other tools which are working well on other websites. Then, if similar stuff will have equally positive results on your own website, you don’t have to go very far to find inspiration and create your own content. It won’t always work for you if it works for them, but it just might. Inbound link-building is an important SEO strategy, and a great way to do this is to make friends with other relevant, local businesses so that you can share links and promote one another. Perhaps you could organise a community event together or work out some kind mutually beneficial offer for customers that will give you the opportunity to create links on your sites?

The Role of Social Media

f you are familiar with Google’s algorithm, you are aware that it is predicated based off of backlinks. This is simply a hyperlink on an external website that links back to your website. Your target keywords should also be in the H1 tag, but your H1 can differ from your title tag People love to browse through a clearance section for bargains. You could include overstocked items or products nearing the end of their buying season. A dollar section for low priced merchandise can generate a lot of sales, especially if your website offers pop up suggestions for related items from your store. The customers will feel like they are getting a great deal and you will get more sales. The absence of a hard and fast definition of content allows for cross-genre experiments. Infographics, explainer videos, vlogs are products of such experiments. Visual images entertain users whereas written content provide them with new information. Infographics, which is the cross between the two, do both. The same applies to explainer videos.

Transcribe Your Video Content for SEO Benefits

No matter what niche your website is in, when you start writing an article, always provide helpful and actionable guidance. If you are giving the users the information they want, your content can be as long as you need. Create good content and in time the links will follow. When a website focuses on content, website owners and general users tend to talk about it and share it with others. This is a very naturalistic way of doing link building but still does not provide any guarantees. However, from a search engine standpoint, the ethical way of link building has always been more rewarding. SEO and positioning your website to rank top spots in the search engines require some careful planning. Just like setting up a business or going to war, it requires strategizing for optimal results. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "Long tail keywords are essentially longer more specific keywords that tie in directly to your content. For example, if you are selling woman’s shoes on your eCommerce website. The main keywords would likely be: “ladies shoes”, “woman’s shoes”, “girls shoes” and other similar words."

Grant crawlers permission to index the content on pages

On page SEO of course refers to all the strategies that you can use within your pages to get Google interested in your site. This begins with content – and it begins with having a stronger understanding of the subtle changes Google has gone through in recent times. You can no longer present less information on your mobile site than on your desktop site. Your content has to be the same on both, because, in the future, you can only rank on the information that is on your mobile page. A social media following shows that the website has an audience who want to hear more. The website you are targeting would want to share their new posts to their audience on social media, promoting your website at the same time. What’s more is that if you’re in the same niche as the website, their audience are more likely to enjoy your content and start following you too. In milliseconds, search engines assess a number of elements — images, keywords, content, metadata, links, etc. — before delivering results. Ever wonder how a small handful of lucky websites make it to the first page of Google’s search results? It’s because they were deemed the best resources for your search query — using an unimaginably complex version of the system described above.